Declaration of common standards for the preregistration of animal research – speeding up the scientific progress. Heinl C, Scholman-Végh AMD, Mellor D, Schönfelder G, Strech D, Chamuleau S, Bert B. PNAS Nexus, pgac016,
Ensuring Reproducible Research Requires a Support Infrastructure: The Value of Public Registries to Publishers. Olevska, A., Bert, B., Schönfelder, G., Ebrahimi, L., Heinl, C. Science Editor 2021 Feb 9; 44:4-7.
Rethinking the incentive system in science: animal study registries: Preregistering experiments using animals could greatly improve transparency and reliability of biomedical studies and improve animal welfare. Heinl C, Chmielewska J, Olevska A, Grune B, Schönfelder G, Bert B. EMBO Rep. 2020 Jan 7;21(1):e49709.
Refining animal research: The Bert B, Heinl C, Chmielewska J, Schwarz F, Grune B, Hensel A, Greiner M, Schönfelder G. PLoS Biol. 2019 Oct 15;17(10):e3000463.